Insanity 19

 Insanity 19

Insanity sucks My life My heart My soul 

And all My belongings!

The day I am passing

Becomes hard to harder.

This is reality over frailty

Nothing goes normal rather predictable.

Everything is misjuged

And misled thought misgudes someone mistakenly.

Nobody cares about such maddness except I.

And thus I am gonna insane.

No longer I am human

 But a heartless skeleton

A two footed animal without feeling and emotion.

There have many more speeches but fail to convince rationally.

To reality everything I do is irrational and less loving but for not only playing duty from the core of heart.

And this is the way I believe.

That responsibilty from love for someone never mutates with mockery is unsolved sum or riddle.

This thought and unthought paralyse me day night without instant harm.

Where is solace is not a question now. 

This is a life made of reality shall not perish but will burn upto eternity.


Noni Gopal Sutradhar 

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